
Save Up to $10,000 and Qualify for 0% Financing with Mass Save Rebates

To eliminate financial barriers for consumers and increase adoption of one of the most energy-efficient methods for heating and cooling — heat pumps, the Mass Save program has increased the potential savings for homeowners installing this technology. While the program can be complex, Coastal Energy Services makes it simple.

What Savings could be Available for Mini-Splits and Heat Pumps through Mass Save?

Massachusetts residents who install heat pumps may be eligible for up to $10,000 in rebates, depending on how much of your home will be affected.

Whole Home and Partial-Home/Supplemental Rebates

  • Whole home rebates: $10,000 per household: Homes using heat pumps as the sole source of heating and cooling may qualify for these savings. They must schedule and complete a Home Energy Assessment and comply with any weatherization recommendations.
  • Partial/Supplemental rebates: $1,250 per ton, up to $10,000: Even if you choose to install heat pumps to supplement your existing heating system or as the primary heating system in a small section. To qualify, for rebates on supplemental you must install integrated controls in homes with oil, propane, or natural gas back-up.

0% Interest Loans on up to $25,000

You could qualify for a loan of up to $25,000 toward qualified energy efficient home improvements through Mass Save HEAT with terms up to seven years. Since we regularly help customers secure these loans to keep their homes comfortable for less, we understand the requirements and the process. Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through it!

State-funded programs and rebates to promote energy efficiency can change with evolving legislation. At Coastal Energy we monitor these changes to calculate the best way for you to save. Contact us today to find out what incentives are available.

How do I access the savings offered through Mass Save?

You can research, comply with and submit the rebate requirements and forms on your own (option A) but if you decide to install a heat pump system through Coastal Energy Services, you can skip right to Option B and let us do all the work.

Option A

Schedule Home Energy Assessment: Contact Mass Save
(Sounds doable…)

Calculate tonnage based on system size: Rebates are determined by tonnage
(Wait, what?!)

Check product against HPQPL: Online Heat Pump Qualified Product List
(Which product?)

Fill out appropriate forms: Whole-home heat pump verification form and/0r Mass Save air source heat pump rebate form
(I’ve already given up.)

File paperwork after installation: You can print and mail the forms or fill them out online.

Option B

Contact Coastal Energy Services

Get Started Now!

Receive your rebate check in the mail!
(That’s more like it!)

Our expertise and experience can help you save! Contact Coastal Energy Services today to get started.

Get started and schedule a free consultation. Contact Us.